VueJS is the new contender for 'best front end framework' and is running a very close second place to React in popularity amongst knowledgable developers. It is gaining mindshare and has incredible momentum, all for very good reasons!

Join us for this introductory, full day workshop in which we fully explore everything that makes VueJS the last framework you will ever learn ... because you won't ever want to use anything else again!

Upon completion, you will be armed with the skills and knowledge to create sophisticated VueJS components that:

  • Define and use dynamic data constructs
  • Dynamically update data views, content and styling based on realtime changes to data
  • Animate transitions between views as well as when elements are added and removed from the view
  • Define and dynamically invoke event handlers generated by UI elements
  • Use Vuetify: amazing, mature and visually appealing UI widget library based on Material Design
  • Install, configure and use the Vue Router.
  • Install, configure and use Vuex to provide centralized application data management a la Redux
We will also explore deployment options and productionization of your application.

I look forward to sharing this amazing new contender in the front-end SPA framework space!