Steven Teleki is Vice President for Software Engineering at Yash & Lujan Consulting, Inc., a technology consulting company, offering on-site, off-site, or offshore software development. Earlier in his career, Steven worked as Director of Software Process at Trilogy Software, where he focused on understanding and improving both individual and team software development performance. At Iomega Corporation, he wrote software that shipped in over 40 million copies worldwide, and managed projects with distributed teams. At FranklinCovey, he pioneered disciplined design, development, and build methods.

Steven believes that every developer can increase his or her software development performance far beyond what is commonly assumed possible. His understanding of both people and technology makes him uniquely capable of building outstanding software organizations. He is a leader who is also a mentor to development and testing teams. Under his mentorship, software engineers have improved their performance in areas of software project planning, personal software process measurement, software design, and implementation. He is passionate about creating high-quality software on time and on budget. Outside work he is the Chairman of the Austin Chapter of the IEEE Computer Society.

Presented meetings.